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Money And Markets Update With Special Consideration To Gold And Black Gold (Crude Oil)


I’m going to hold off on my radical Islam post and insert a market post in here. If one really appreciates how tight liquidity is around the world, then one recognizes how unnerving today actually is.   Global liquidity has never been this tight.   Ever.   I mean ever.   Central banks have no methods left of loosening that noose. And with the Federal Reserve now raising interest rates into the tightest liquidity the world has ever seen, it’s going to get even tighter. We should expect dead bodies to start floating to the surface. That could be countries, financial firms, hedge funds, corporations and even more and more of humanity.  Could policymakers act in nontraditional methods to loosed that liquidity?   Sure, but they are the driving ignorance behind this crisis in the first place. So, don’t bet on it.   Obama and both parties are ignorant to the messes they create through their own pathological megalomania. I literally have no idea what is going on in the debates. It really doesn’t matter. No one is going to save the world from crises that have been building for the last forty years.  Some of my long time themes are starting to expose themselves. One is that the socioeconomic control system that has been in place for the last 400-odd years is now likely in the midst of its final collapse.  That is, capitalism. And, that we will likely see states around the world in some degree of collapse. No one, and I literally mean no one, was writing that the vast majority of the crises in this world would reside outside of the United States back in the 2008 collapse. No one, and I mean no one, was writing that event was not a housing crisis but rather a coming economic calamity.   That is, except what was written on here. Nothing in today’s macro world should be a surprise to readers on here. It was all predicted through sound qualitative and quantitative analysis.  


2016âThe Final Crisis Of Capitalism?


Over the years I have pointed to three future dates that are on my radar screen. Honestly, these dates are very powerful long-term cyclical astrological dates. As I’ve noted in past posts, there is ample evidence this is the most powerful period of cleansing and transformation that has existed in thousands of years, if not since the start of civilization.  The first of those three dates was 2013. When that date in Scorpio passed, I wrote that the battle between good and evil had begun. Interestingly, that’s when gold stocks and futures started its current collapse, currencies around the world started collapsing, ISIS started to gain an upper hand against Western states, oil started its current implosion,  high yield debt started its collapse, puppet governments in the Middle East started their crises and on and on.  Coicidence or simply correlation? Who knows. But I expect the entire Middle Eastern Islamofascist orthodoxy to fall.


Of Oil, Electric Cars And The Clinton Family Pathology

For those of us that are old enough, if one opens their minds and hearts to what is unfolding around the world, one realizes how profound the endless chaos and volatility before us really is.  We look forward today to a world that is in the midst of incredibly powerful change.  Literally nothing will likely survive without some substantial crisis, transformation or outright failure.  I've had friends and associates who used to roll their eyes or laugh when I would talk about what's coming and, to a T, all of them are now worried about their fate.  The key is "their".  This global system, modern corporate capitalist society, the state and all of the manifestations of social dynamics they have created around the world today are almost exclusively defined by the ego and all of the neuroses, selfishness and outright evil it can muster. There is little room in this world for good. Evil reigns supreme.

The first thing I want to say about oil is what a clown the founder of Tesla has been exposed to be across a lot of fronts. I would classify Elon Musk as a poster child for the faux intellectualism that props up a global system of ignorance.  Just because you have a degree in physics doesn’t mean shit from shinola in this world.  I have nothing against Musk but I certainly have little empathy for ignorance.  The more this guy opens his mouth, the more he looks like a clown.  Whether that is is asinine attempts at motivating his employees by public threats of firing them or the absolutely idiotic statement that humans will become intelligent computer's pets or the asinine business of building electric cars.  (Something talked about here in the past is that humanity has no capability to create sentient life because it doesn't even understand what it is. And the mocking of mental midgets who tell us we are on the verge of creating computers that will eventually view humanity as pets. There is zero chance of artificial intelligence becoming self-aware or becoming "human" without a profound leap in human knowledge because science has absolutely no idea what the mind is, what the brain is or how the mind creates, invents, loves, expresses itself uniquely as individuals or achieves a state of mind that is beyond the self or is selfless.  Frankly, most of this capability likely doesn't even reside in the human brain. These belief systems around bullshit science are pernicious delusions created by the ego's perceptions of its own brilliance that are really nothing more than incredible ignorance and a complete lack of respect for that which the ego does not understand. Ignorance is a state of mind that is always punished by karma.)  

I’ve talked about Musk's rise to fame by essentially participating in the loot-fest of the no-earnings, no business model, non-existent sham companies in the 1990s Clinton administration-created fraud bubble.  Musk parlayed essentially useless, unproductive misallocation of capital into becoming one of the richest people on earth. And who was left holding the counterparty bag of this theft? That would be society.  You.  The Clinton 1990s were the institutionalization of massive fraud and corruption of our political and financial system.   Then Musk received most-favored status with liberal idiots who told us the world was running out of oil. As a result of that, he received a massive, privileged (fraud) government handout to build electric cars while countless millions of Americans couldn’t get a loan or funding to save their own lives.  Literally. 

Now, in a national survey this past few days, oil was down to $1.21 a gallon in one of the top markets in the U.S.   I filled up my gas-guzzling vehicle for $17.  When I was first writing that oil was headed to $10 a barrel and gas to $1 a gallon, that fill-up would have cost me 70-odd dollars.   We are now only 21 cents away from that magical dollar per gallon I was writing about when the price of oil was in triple digits.  You now pay 10x the price of oil for sugar and 40x that for your Starbucks specialty drink.  People looked at me like I was a complete idiot when I used to say oil was headed back to the 1998 lows of $10 a barrel and $1 a gallon for gasoline.  And, by the way, that the global economy would wipe out all of the gains from 1998 and before.  Don't worry, oil is telling you that's exactly what is happening if you really understand why it is collapsing.

Now because of misguided, idiotic policies by Obama, electricity costs in this nation are at an all-time high. Home electricity energy costs have exploded and people with low income and fixed income are being terrorized by Obama’s electricity policies. Literally.  I know people with 1200 square feet, all-electric homes who live in the Midwest that are paying $700 a month in winter electricity bills with their thermostats set at 62 degrees.  So, now electric car owners are being raked over the coals for energy costs while internal combustion car owners are living large and oil is going to drop even further. By the way, wait till all of those pathological thugs in OPEC countries can't pump oil fast enough to keep their fiefdoms from collapsing.  Just as I said would happen long ago. Guess what? They are then going to flood the world with their gold holdings to raise liquidity and destroy the price of gold. Another outcome written of on here many years ago.

You mark my word, we are on the verge of a social dynamic where owning a Tesla and paying out the ass for the electricity to run it versus owning an internal combustion engine and paying $1 a gallon for gasoline is going to be a badge of complete stupidity. Electric car owners are going to be mocked and chided as buffoons for believing in the liberal brainwashing of Peak Oil.  Everything is a lie.  Peak Oil, humanity behind global climate change and every other state-created lunacy of social brainwashing.  Like I said long ago, electric-powered Tesla’s will eventually be used as boat anchors. This is not a company long for this world; a long-time theme on here. In the end, the universe will expose Musk's ignorance.

I want to point to a few links in the press recently as it pertains to oil-

The world is drowning in oil
Davos chief warns plunging oil will drive more migration
Gasoline is already 46 cents a gallon
Crude oil is worth less than nothing
Big banks are holding the bag on cheap oil

Again, I’m not a big fan of conspiracy. Wall Street and the investor class are going to be punished mercilessly with the price of falling oil. Depending on how oil-related financial instruments were synthesized by hedge funds and banks, the collapse in oil has the potential to be like the collapse in the mortgage market. This goes way beyond just oil firms and banks to entire countries being impacted.   Russia is highly dependent on oil and basic material exports to keep its oligarchy afloat.  We can expect that to collapse too.  Of course, that has already been discussed on here ages ago.

Let me say something else. Everyone points to conflict in the Middle East as a tinder box for the price of oil to skyrocket higher.  That is generally bullshit that may have worked when the global pathology was in control of the horrible world they had created.  Those days are over.   The reality is all of these Middle Eastern puppet governments, including ISIS, are propped up by arms sales from the United States, Russia, China and other states. These backward fiefdoms aren't capable of waging any war other than on horseback with swords (which is a good thing) because they suppress economic development as a method of holding their tyrannical grip on humanity. So, they must pump every ounce of oil they can to get their hands on the dollars necessary to protect their pathological interests - buying weapons, bribing their citizens into passivity, paying off their thug armies and on and on and on.. They have no option other than to pump even more oil the lower the price goes.  And, mind you, with the global economy in the early stages of collapse, it's going to get a lot worse for oil and gold...... and everything else.

Finally, I want to talk about the Clinton family. I've noted on here many times that Bill Clinton is the worst president in American history. If you really understand what happened in the 1990s, and how the U.S. economy was collapsing under Clinton, you can appreciate that statement. Gold collapsed to $250 and oil to $10 a barrel under Clinton in 1998. Both were alerting us to coming global deflation. The world was deflating under Clinton and that is the only reason why we had the U.S. stock market bubble. That bubble wasn't about the brilliance of the U.S. economy or Clinton's brilliant leadership.  It was because the U.S. was collapsing. More on that another time but Reagan deregulated private, class-based capital or corporate capitalism and turned the U.S. citizens into slaves of private, class-based economic interests.  But it was Clinton who deregulated the borders of private, for-profit, class-based capital and turned the entire world into a loot-fest for corporate capitalism and the world's economic aristocracy. Bill Clinton exhibits all of the signs of incredibly severe pathology.  In spades.
Bill Clinton stalked me repeatedly after raping me
Top Google search – Will Hillary be prosecuted?
Bernie Sanders - Hillary Clinton is in serious trouble
Linda Tripp – Bill Clinton had thousands of affairs including other women in his administration

It appears questions about Clinton's misogyny, hatred of women and sexual violence against women started in college at Yale and followed him to Oxford where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar.  There appears to be evidence Clinton was accused of sexual assault numerous times during those years. And it has followed him his whole life. This is the exact same behavior as Catholic priests who actually sought out positions of authority as priests not to help humanity but to prey upon them.  Pathology always seeks out positions of class and hierarchy.  Pathology created class and hierarchy in the first place. The predators who destroy the lives of countless people as trusted spiritual advisors are the same as those drawn to political and corporate power who are in the midst of destroying the lives of humanity. Mind you, this type of behavior is potentially systemic in circles of the aristocracy's primary intent of control. Rumors and accusations of pedophile rings in Britain, the U.S. and elsewhere are commonplace in political circles.   And, much of this is now starting to gain some legs in Britain. Link here.  When one understands the ego's primary intent of control that creates institutionalization and its birth children, class & hierarchy, one appreciates that pathology, which has a primary intent of controlling others, and is the basis for pedophelia, rape, endless war, kyriarchy, misogyny, violence against women, bigotry, racism, the faux feminist's war against men and other violent crimes against humanity, are indeed manifestations of class-based violence.  Our country is not racist or bigoted or anything else. I reject that completely out of hand.  More white Americans are on welfare, in prison and on food stamps than any other profile based on race.  Everyone who isn't part of the club of class-based privilege is exploited by class.  In a system of class that forces humanity into competition for servitude to economic masters, one must either be on the receiving end of violence or be perpetuating it, often ignorantly, for the ruling class.

As I have noted time and again, our country's violence is a result of the institutionalization class. And it is class that perpetuates violence of all sorts against humanity and turns our brothers and sisters against each other in an endless manifestation of manipulation used to keep us fighting with each other so that we don't see the truth.  That is, we are all terrorized by class & hierarchy. Private, class-based capital or capitalism, corporations, privately-created money, the welfare state, debt, private banks, the military-industrial complex and on and on are all manifestations of this institutionalized, class-based violence.

Hillary Clinton is no authentic supporter of women's rights or democracy or any other manifestation of human dignity. It is often noted that one marries or chooses a spouse with the same level of emotional dysfunction or function.  That she has turned a blind eye to the behavior of her husband over decades gives us some indication of her pathology as well.  With the endless drama of the Clinton family pathology, and new revelations about both Bill and Hillary's behavior, the American people are getting a first-hand look at what it would be like to have this sickness and Godlessness  back in the White House.

I'm highly confident as noted on here over the years that both political parties (institutions of the ego or manifestations of class and hierarchy) are going to fail. And as noted in the past, that the Democratic Party will likely fail first.   I find it rather humorous that many in the Democratic Party view the rise of Donald Trump as the tinder to potentially create the collapse of the Republican Party.  At the same time they gloat about their candidate, Hillary Clinton.  What they don't yet understand is the rise of Hillary Clinton will have the exact same effect on their own party.  The ego is the perfect deceiver.

An Divine Easter Post - Obama The Communist

It's been a while since I have posted but I've got a few posts written that I will get up this month.  It's simply a matter of some minor editing.  But I might add that literally ever major theme I have uniquely written of on here is now exposing itself just as I knew it would.  Although my timing has certainly been well too early.  This Easter holiday I wanted to make a note about the Godlessness and pathological virus of politicians. All politicians. And, what I have been uniquely noting on here for ages.  That is, politics is an institution of the ego (control) that is an ancient relic of the state.  And, that it serves zero purpose to democracy or humanity and will eventually disappear forever. It's now looking like that disappearance may actually be this cycle.  Politicians exist for one reason - to serve the state.  And the state exists for one reason - to perpetuate violence on behalf of state actors (class and hierarchy).

I've mused in the past, not through name calling or labeling, but through thorough analysis that Obama appears to be a closet communist in line with the existing European Union communists who have destroyed that continent.  And, that communism was never defeated when the Soviet Union fell.  But rather the same statists in the Soviet Union simply reconstituted themselves as capitalists.  Capitalism is really no different than communism and Obama interestingly notes that this past few days.  All isms, socialism, fascism, feudalism, communism, capitalism and every other ism are simply different manifestations of statism.   They are simply different flavors of control created by the state.  Those control systems don't serve self-rule, democracy or anything else. They serve your masters and their endless desire to control you (violence) for their own self-interested pathology.

Now, on his trip to Cuba, Obama actually gives us a glimpse into the hidden world of his mind.  Obama states that capitalism and communism, meh, whatever works.   This is a very, very dangerous man because his real views have been hidden from plain sight. And, that certainly is because of his intent of control.  If he actually shared what is hidden behind the veil he calculatingly protects, he never could have been elected president.

As noted on here ad nauseam, capitalists love communism.  U.S. capitalists did many secret dealings with the Soviet Union, fascist Germany, feudal Saudi Arabia, Imperial Japan, European monarchies, Egypt's military dictatorship, today's communist China and on and on and on.  Capitalism was created by the state to serve class and hierarchy.  In fact, as I have uniquely noted on here, the reason why the Articles of Confederation, which neutered a pathological, all-powerful central government was overturned is because rich, powerful capitalists, merchants, financiers and bankers needed an all-powerful central government in Washington DC to enforce their economic system of violence on the colonies. Otherwise, the people would never willfully submit to their domination.  So, the state is used to enforce this system of violence upon you and me.  Because all state control systems are based on emotional, spiritual and physical violence in the forms of conformity, forced corporate work, economic slavery, debt servitude, competitive exploitation, reliance on state handouts, threats, intimidation, economic looting, pilfering and the like.  That includes the state's endless war on God or the Divine.  And its war to convince you that there is no greater power or higher power in your life. Your purpose is to serve the state.

Ronald Reagan was a walking contradiction in many ways. And he was a man of great ignorance as all politicians are.  But, he got one thing right.  Communism is an incredibly horrible system of massive repression and brutality. That now Obama is trying to "mainstream" communism along with capitalism gives us some insight to the Godlessness that drives his pathology.  These are both systems of massive violence against humanity, and against your higher power and the Divine perpetuated by a small group of pathological predators meant to control the rest of humanity.

It should be no surprise that I've noted repeatedly that everyone is missing the truth of this moment.  That in this moment, humanity is at war with the state. And that we, humanity, led by our own internal, sentient, higher power, will win.

The Coming Collapse Of Political Parties (And The State)

One of the long time themes on here that, as far as I know, is unique to this blog, just as many themes are, is that we are likely to see the collapse of both political parties in this nation.  Frankly, that dynamic is not exclusive to the United States. As I have noted many times, humanity is at war with the state. And politics, an institution of the ego, is a creation by the state used to control humanity. Politicians provide literally zero usefulness to humanity, democracy, self-rule or republicanism. The incredible focus on American politics right now is an example of the false prophets and charlatans I have talked about being so common in cycles like this. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, for their incredible popularity, have both become famous and popular by supporting state violence over their lives. Voting for either of them will literally solve nothing.

If you believe Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders are going to save you or "fix" what ails this system, you are lying to yourself. And you have fallen prey to demagogy. Politicians are some of the most ignorant people on earth. Right behind them on the ignorance scale are corporate executives. It shows the level of ignorance that pervades all of humanity that the political discourse in this nation has become so wildly popular. Of course, the ego is the great deceiver and in a world where no one wants to take responsibility for anything, politicians appeal to the most base, inhuman aspect of our psyche, the ego. So, we cheer for those we wish to get elected even though they have absolutely nothing in common with most of us and we really know absolutely nothing about what they will eventually do after they get elected. Fundamentally, our inner wounded self (child) or the ego seeks to emotionally abandon itself and that manifests itself in wishing to be taken care of. And politicians tap into that fear-based dynamic to control us. Who actually wants to take any responsibility for their own fate in this world? It's a very scary proposition to not have someone else to tell you what to do, what to think and how to think. To actually have to be responsible for yourself, produce your own food, produce your own electricity, produce your own...... or create a community able to trade with another community for those items we need is an exhilarating but also frightening possibility. Better to let the politicians do it for us. And, that is why we are in this mess in the first place. Politicians are only going to make everything worse as they always have. If you want a political answer (control rather than truth) to what ails this world or your life, vote for a politician. If you want the truth, empower yourself, your community and all of humanity with direct democracy and self-rule as the Athenians did.

There are many people characterizing the dynamics we see in both political parties as "civil wars" within the parties. That is completely inaccurate. There are no civil wars in these parties. What you have is two candidates who could never, ever remotely get to the "finals" of any election because their viewpoints are so fundamentally opposed to the money driving both of these parties that if these ideals were actually adopted by either party, that party would collapse because the money needed to prop them up would vanish. On that note, not only is politics an institution of the ego that I have written will eventually disappear forever, but I have noted the exact same dynamic will come to pass with money.  Just as both political parties are nearing extinction, so is money. And, one data point we can use to validate this (although there are many) is that the amount of money any particular candidate has is waning in effect. So, money as an institution of the ego or an institution of control, is losing its ability to control humanity. No matter how much money a candidate has, those candidates are generally not able to parlay that money into popularity. That's because humanity is awakening to the truth and no amount of money can hide create a veil of lies and deceit to hide that truth. That is, politicians are and always have been criminals whose primary purpose is to enforce state violence on behalf of the criminal class (the state) against humanity and all life.

I'm going to write more about this in the future but let me leave you with something to think about. In 1789 the first U.S. Congress had members who were representing four or five thousand or some equally small number of voters. Today, Congress has members that oftentimes represent five, ten or fifteen million voters. How is anyone going to represent you or the needs of your community (self rule) when they are representing exponentially more than 1789? They aren't. And that is a fundamental problem that cannot be resolved by Washington DC or any other political establishment around the world. Your needs and the needs of your community can never and will never be met under this system, even if you magically found virtuous politicians. As I have noted time and again on here, the only answer is local economics and local self-rule. For that to happen, humanity has to take back its power. And that means they have to take it back from the state, corporations, bankers and politicians. The only answer is local self-rule as the Athenians did. And the only way that is ever going to happen is that humanity is fundamentally at war with the state. Mind you, that is a global phenomena that we see everywhere. Humanity is oftentimes taking equally ignorant stands as the state but as they awaken, they will continue to recursively refine their understanding of the consequences of their actions that are so far removed from reality today that it may take multiple iterations to get beyond our own self-imposed ignorance, self-deceit and self-delusions.

And the only way humanity is going to get that power back is likely to be a war with the state.  Whether that war is fought on an emotional, spiritual or physical level or some combination of all three, that is what we are witnessing today.  Because the state (politicians, corporations, banks, moneychangers, state religions, etc) aren't going to give it back. In fact, as I have noted countless times, corporate capitalism, communism and the like are economic control systems (institutions of the ego) built upon fundamental contradictions that require greater and greater force or state violence to maintain stability. So, whether it's Obama, Trump, Sanders or anyone else, they must perpetuate greater and greater violence or this system will collapse, be it in the United States or elsewhere.   They'd rather butcher us as a last resort.  And, don't kid yourself on this.  In the twentieth century, an age of supposed civility, the state has murdered hundreds of millions of people and enslaved all of those who are remaining to some degree of emotional, spiritual and physical violence. Of course, what they really want was so presciently and eloquently noted by Lysander Spooner-

“Abraham Lincoln did not cause the death of so many people from a mere love of slaughter, but only to bring about a state of consent that could not otherwise be secured for the government he had undertaken to administer. When a government has once reduced its people to a state of consent – that is, of submission to its will (emotional, spiritual and physical violence - my notation) – it can put them to a much better use than to kill them; for it can then plunder them, enslave them, and use them as tools for plundering and enslaving others. (emotional, spiritual and physical violence - my notation)” -- Lysander Spooner, abolitionist

Everything I have been writing about re the voluminous posts on state violence, economics as a control system and the vile social dynamics created by the state is now starting to expose itself in full regalia. This most certainly is the most profound moment in human history as it seeks to free itself from the most palpable global evil in all of human history.

The Coming Collapse Of Scientific RationalismâSomething Is Wrong With Dark Matter


Hello to the many tens of thousands of readers, or maybe I should say former readers of this blog and my writings elsewhere. Or, what is left of you, which I’m assuming isn’t a lot. I’m not dead yet.  But I am intently watching everything that is happening in the world around us.  I’ll continue to post on here but honestly in some regards I’m just watching everything unfold that has been written of on here for more than a decade.  It all continues to reveal itself quite nicely. That includes the massive ignorance of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George Bush, political parties and equally ignorant political idiots all around the world.  More on that hopefully in the next week or two.


The Age Of Ignorance Gives Way To The Age Of Enlightenment (Aquarius)


I’m literally the only person on this planet who has written about so many things that are unfolding in the world today.  And things I was writing about many years ago are now starting to reveal themselves. Things just about no one ever could consider as possible.  That doesn’t mean in any way I am some kind of savant. But, what I do attribute it to is the unprecedented level of brainwashing that exists. Almost no one who could care to write anything for general consumption about sociology, economics, monetary theory or whatnot seems to know who they really are.  They are all defined by belief systems that pathology in this world has imprinted upon them.  Let’s chat regarding the timeliness of a few of those belief systems that are starting to collapse. A few that I’ve uniquely written about over the years.


âPeak Stateâ Linkfest - The Greatest Evil The World Has Ever Seen


Just some timely links to the incredible pathological evil around the world today.  (Although these aer focused on the pathological criminals in the U.S.)  Something to contemplate before the November elections.  But, first I want to provide a link to a Youtube video that is going viral. There are multiple copies on Youtube and it looks to be closing in on a million views. Link here. I’m not much for predicing winners and losers in elections but since this moment is incredibly profound, if I were given Vegas odds, I’d play it all on Donald Trump. He captures everything I wrote would happen and the pathological evil (the state – corporations, capitalism, private banks, politicians, the military-industrial complex, etc) talked about  nauseam on here.  The faux intelligentsia and crooked aristocracy are so convinced he’s completely out of the race and they clearly don’t understand the blowback that is coming their way. On that note, I’ll be putting up another post before the elections. In that post, I want to share a little story from 2,500 years ago that supports the election of Donald Trump. I originally planned to put together a big post on this early in the year but it will be short. I’m pretty certain you will find substantial profundity in its parallels to today. 


Bill Clinton - Criminal-in-Chief


Modern humanity is morally bankrupt. There is one main reason for that. It’s the state. (I’ll be talking in more detail about that another time.) Mind you, I mean all of humanity is morally bankrupt. We live in unprecedented times. There literally isn’t a single soul in this country, as just one example, who can operate from any position of moral authority. Don’t kid yourself when you wag your hypocritical finger at Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan; the two crooks most responsible for the complete moral bankruptcy of this nation.  (Although as noted on here in the past, Reagan’s administration far and away had the most indictments and forced resignations due to legal wrongdoing of any in history.)  We all do the bidding of evil every single day. We are slaves in an insidious economic  control system that spans the globe. There is no way to extract yourself from it even if you want to. That is, unless you chose the path of exterminating your own existence.  Because that is what it would take. Otherwise, all we can do is resist in some small way.  The easiest is to quit shopping. Close the wallet unless it’s absolutely necessary and starve the beast of the money it needs to survive. (Remember, in the book of Daniel, the beast was an empire of metal [weapons of war] that waged war against the world. While there is some perspective this was in reference to the Roman Empire, all empires operate on the same level of control.  The U.S. empire certainly is at war with the world both economically and militarily.  More broadly, socially, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  The mark of the beast is money, which is the control system used to enslave humanity as hamsters into the hierarchical, class-based graft or surplus value that thugs and dictators use to enslave humanity. In modern times those thugs and dictators are the state and its institions like capitalism, corporations, politics, standing armies, socialism, communism and every other ism the state can dream up.)


Bill Clinton - Criminal-in-Chief

Modern humanity is morally bankrupt. There is one main reason for that. It’s the state. (I’ll be talking in more detail about that another time.) Mind you, I mean all of humanity is morally bankrupt. We live in unprecedented times. There literally isn’t a single soul in this country, as just one example, who can operate from any position of moral authority. Don’t kid yourself when you wag your hypocritical finger at Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan; the two crooks most responsible for the complete moral bankruptcy of this nation.  (Although as noted on here in the past, Reagan’s administration far and away had the most indictments and forced resignations due to legal wrongdoing of any in history.)  We all do the bidding of evil every single day. We are slaves in an insidious economic  control system that spans the globe. There is no way to extract yourself from it even if you want to. That is, unless you chose the path of exterminating your own existence.  Because that is what it would take. Otherwise, all we can do is resist in some small way.  The easiest is to quit shopping. Close the wallet unless it’s absolutely necessary and starve the beast of the money it needs to survive. (Remember, in the book of Daniel, the beast was an empire of metal [weapons of war] that waged war against the world. While there is some perspective this was in reference to the Roman Empire, all empires operate on the same level of control.  The U.S. empire certainly is at war with the world both economically and militarily.  More broadly, socially, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  The mark of the beast is money, which is the control system used to enslave humanity as hamsters into the hierarchical, class-based graft or surplus value that thugs and dictators use to steal, plunder and pilfer humanity. In modern times those thugs and dictators are the state and its institutions like capitalism, corporations, politics, standing armies, socialism, communism and every other ism the state can dream up.)

I’ve talked about parallels to the United States in the Roman Empire, England in 1776, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. History rhymes and so does the endless criminality of the state. People in our nation, and all nations, who enrich themselves through state violence, turn a blind eye to the massive crimes against humanity their governments perpetuate against their own neighbors as well as people in other nation states.  Anyone who is doing well economically around the world is doing the bidding of the state.  That is how extreme the pathological evil has become. There’s an equal but opposite reaction coming and it’s going to be beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.  That reaction could be taken from the start of the twentieth century or even earlier.  As noted before, it could take the form of kickback from the start of what we now call capitalism which would be the past five hundred-odd years.  One of the first posts I put up here more than a decade ago is that when this cycle ends the earth will literally shudder and shake. We ain’t seen nothin yet. If Donald Trump gets elected, he’ll ignorantly destroy his own wealth and status should he follow through on his promises. And, I certainly hope he does.

I owe a post on this topic of good versus evil re the astrological turn date in 2013 that started that battle. But still haven’t put it up. That will come. It’s just a large undertaking to downsize my thoughts into a post because the topic is so complex and esoteric that I could turn it into a 400 page book.

One of the most disgusting remarks that sticks in my mind today is Hillary Clinton constantly yammering that America is great because it is good. This coming from a life-long crook whose actions have contributed to endless suffering around the world.  For years I wrote that Bill Clinton was the biggest crook and most horrendous president in this nation’s history. And, that the only way the Clintons and Al Gore could become wildly rich was through corruption. (Don't forget about Dick Cheney who runs a close third.)  Finally, that’s getting some play. Given the level of detail that is now coming out regarding The Clinton Foundation, I have to wonder if we could actually see criminal indictments against both Bill and Hillary. If the halls of justice still have any morality left in them, both of them should be in prison for life-long accomplishment awards. And, Donald Trump should be right there with them.

For those who think the most recent transparency into Clinton wrongdoing is a conspiratorial witch hunt against poor ole Hillary and Bill, does anyone remember this story from nearly 23 years ago? Dust it off and give it a good read. As someone who is intimately familiar with futures markets, what Hillary Clinton supposedly did, according to the official story, was literally just about impossible. She was a pathological criminal in 1994 and she’s a pathological criminal today.  (People chose spouses with the same level of emotional dysfunction as their own. Functional people won't tolerate the lack of emotional intelligence, lack of emotional boundaries and lack of emotional morality in those who are dysfunctional. We clearly understand Bill’s dysfunction and we are starting to get a clearer understanding of Hillary’s.)

Quite amazing that some in the mainstream press are actually now throwing the Clintons under the bus in the last few days. The title of this Wall Street Journal article is shocking – Grifters-in-Chief. Not because it’s off-base but because the truth is nearly nonexistent in the mainstream press. Especially, the corporatocracy press like the Journal.  And, then this one, The Cold Clinton Reality – Why isn’t the IRS investigating the Clinton Foundation

There is no way to put the cat back in the back. There is no way we are going back to a world that existed five or ten or twenty years ago. Both political parties are headed for disaster.  Mind you, I’ve noted many times the Democratic Party will be the first to collapse. Interesting how political pundits in the Democratic Party space were laughing about the coming crisis in the Republican Party just weeks ago. How the worm has turned. 

Remember, Donald Trump was hobnobbing with the Clintons just a few years ago. And, remember, he was upset because the Koch brothers rebuffed him early in his campaign. He’s cut from the same cloth and is a poster child of everything that is wrong in this world. Anyone who can look at what is happening in the world today and still vote for either the Republican or Democratic Party is a moral rationalizer and shares a substantial responsibility for perpetuating the pathological evil that exists within organized political parties around the world today. If one wishes to vote for Trump because it will collapse the establishment, as Michael Moore pointed out in my last post, that position is fraught with unintended consequences. Just as the Russians and the Germans who ended up supporting their own enslavement with such attempts at toppling the establishment.

We’ve see that type of moral rationalization time and again throughout history, including Nazi Germany.

(By the way, there are so many elements of past writings that play into this environment. Just one that comes to mind, as an example, that is completely off topic is that we could start to see wholesale refusal of the rank-and-file military to obey or even to desert the military in this nation. That may have seemed impossible when I wrote this many years ago but how about today? Would you perform your military duties for the criminal class with their jack boot on this nation’s neck? Would you carry out your orders to wage war on behalf of U.S. corporations, the military-industrial complex or a morally-bankrupt political class?)

Bill & Hillary Clinton - Criminals-in-Chief

Modern humanity is morally bankrupt. There is one main reason for that. It’s the state. (I’ll be talking in more detail about that another time.) Mind you, I mean all of humanity is morally bankrupt. We live in unprecedented times. There literally isn’t a single soul in this country, as just one example, who can operate from any position of moral authority. Don’t kid yourself when you wag your hypocritical finger at Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan; the two crooks most responsible for the complete moral bankruptcy of this nation.  (Although as noted on here in the past, Reagan’s administration far and away had the most indictments and forced resignations due to legal wrongdoing of any in history.)  We all do the bidding of evil every single day. We are slaves in an insidious economic  control system that spans the globe. There is no way to extract yourself from it even if you want to. That is, unless you chose the path of exterminating your own existence.  Because that is what it would take. Otherwise, all we can do is resist in some small way.  The easiest is to quit shopping. Close the wallet unless it’s absolutely necessary and starve the beast of the money it needs to survive. (Remember, in the book of Daniel, the beast was an empire of metal [weapons of war] that waged war against the world. While there is some perspective this was in reference to the Roman Empire, all empires operate on the same level of control.  The U.S. empire certainly is at war with the world both economically and militarily.  More broadly, socially, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  The mark of the beast is money, which is the control system used to enslave humanity as hamsters into the hierarchical, class-based graft or surplus value that thugs and dictators use to steal, plunder and pilfer humanity. In modern times those thugs and dictators are the state and its institutions like capitalism, corporations, politics, standing armies, socialism, communism and every other ism the state can dream up.)

I’ve talked about parallels to the United States in the Roman Empire, England in 1776, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. History rhymes and so does the endless criminality of the state. People in our nation, and all nations, who enrich themselves through state violence, turn a blind eye to the massive crimes against humanity their governments perpetuate against their own neighbors as well as people in other nation states.  Anyone who is doing well economically around the world is doing the bidding of the state.  That is how extreme the pathological evil has become. There’s an equal but opposite reaction coming and it’s going to be beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.  That reaction could be taken from the start of the twentieth century or even earlier.  As noted before, it could take the form of kickback from the start of what we now call capitalism which would be the past five hundred-odd years.  One of the first posts I put up here more than a decade ago is that when this cycle ends the earth will literally shudder and shake. We ain’t seen nothin yet. If Donald Trump gets elected, he’ll ignorantly destroy his own wealth and status should he follow through on his promises. And, I certainly hope he does.

I owe a post on this topic of good versus evil re the astrological turn date in 2013 that started that battle. But still haven’t put it up. That will come. It’s just a large undertaking to downsize my thoughts into a post because the topic is so complex and esoteric that I could turn it into a 400 page book.

One of the most disgusting remarks that sticks in my mind today is Hillary Clinton constantly yammering that America is great because it is good. This coming from a life-long crook whose actions have contributed to endless suffering around the world.  For years I wrote that Bill Clinton was the biggest crook and most horrendous president in this nation’s history. And, that the only way the Clintons and Al Gore could become wildly rich was through corruption. (Don't forget about Dick Cheney who runs a close third.)  Finally, that’s getting some play. Given the level of detail that is now coming out regarding The Clinton Foundation, I have to wonder if we could actually see criminal indictments against both Bill and Hillary. If the halls of justice still have any morality left in them, both of them should be in prison for life-long accomplishment awards. And, Donald Trump should be right there with them.

For those who think the most recent transparency into Clinton wrongdoing is a conspiratorial witch hunt against poor ole Hillary and Bill, does anyone remember this story from nearly 23 years ago? Dust it off and give it a good read. As someone who is intimately familiar with futures markets, what Hillary Clinton supposedly did, according to the official story, was literally just about impossible. She was a pathological criminal in 1994 and she’s a pathological criminal today.  (People chose spouses with the same level of emotional dysfunction as their own. Functional people won't tolerate the lack of emotional intelligence, lack of emotional boundaries and lack of emotional morality in those who are dysfunctional. We clearly understand Bill’s dysfunction and we are starting to get a clearer understanding of Hillary’s.)

Quite amazing that some in the mainstream press are actually now throwing the Clintons under the bus in the last few days. The title of this Wall Street Journal article is shocking – Grifters-in-Chief. Not because it’s off-base but because the truth is nearly nonexistent in the mainstream press. Especially, the corporatocracy press like the Journal.  And, then this one, The Cold Clinton Reality – Why isn’t the IRS investigating the Clinton Foundation

There is no way to put the cat back in the back. There is no way we are going back to a world that existed five or ten or twenty years ago. Both political parties are headed for disaster.  Mind you, I’ve noted many times the Democratic Party will be the first to collapse. Interesting how political pundits in the Democratic Party space were laughing about the coming crisis in the Republican Party just weeks ago. How the worm has turned. 

Remember, Donald Trump was hobnobbing with the Clintons just a few years ago. And, remember, he was upset because the Koch brothers rebuffed him early in his campaign. He’s cut from the same cloth and is a poster child of everything that is wrong in this world. Anyone who can look at what is happening in the world today and still vote for either the Republican or Democratic Party is a moral rationalizer and shares a substantial responsibility for perpetuating the pathological evil that exists within organized political parties around the world today. If one wishes to vote for Trump because it will collapse the establishment, as Michael Moore pointed out in my last post, that position is fraught with unintended consequences. Just as the Russians and the Germans who ended up supporting their own enslavement with such attempts at toppling the establishment.

We’ve see that type of moral rationalization time and again throughout history, including Nazi Germany.

(By the way, there are so many elements of past writings that play into this environment. Just one that comes to mind, as an example, that is completely off topic is that we could start to see wholesale refusal of the rank-and-file military to obey or even to desert the military in this nation. That may have seemed impossible when I wrote this many years ago but how about today? Would you perform your military duties for the criminal class with their jack boot on this nation’s neck? Would you carry out your orders to wage war on behalf of U.S. corporations, the military-industrial complex or a morally-bankrupt political class?)

Bill & Hillary Clinton - Criminals-in-Chief

Modern humanity is morally bankrupt. There is one main reason for that. It’s the state. (I’ll be talking in more detail about that another time.) Mind you, I mean all of humanity is morally bankrupt. We live in unprecedented times. There literally isn’t a single soul in this country, as just one example, who can operate from any position of moral authority. Don’t kid yourself when you wag your hypocritical finger at Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan; the two crooks most responsible for the complete moral bankruptcy of this nation.  (Although as noted on here in the past, Reagan’s administration far and away had the most indictments and forced resignations due to legal wrongdoing of any in history.)  We all do the bidding of evil every single day. We are slaves in an insidious economic  control system that spans the globe. There is no way to extract yourself from it even if you want to. That is, unless you chose the path of exterminating your own existence.  Because that is what it would take. Otherwise, all we can do is resist in some small way.  The easiest is to quit shopping. Close the wallet unless it’s absolutely necessary and starve the beast of the money it needs to survive. (Remember, in the book of Daniel, the beast was an empire of metal [weapons of war] that waged war against the world. While there is some perspective this was in reference to the Roman Empire, all empires operate on the same level of control.  The U.S. empire certainly is at war with the world both economically and militarily.  More broadly, socially, spiritually, physically and emotionally.  The mark of the beast is money, which is the control system used to enslave humanity as hamsters into the hierarchical, class-based graft or surplus value that thugs and dictators use to steal, plunder and pilfer humanity. In modern times those thugs and dictators are the state and its institutions like capitalism, corporations, politics, standing armies, socialism, communism and every other ism the state can dream up.)

I’ve talked about parallels to the United States in the Roman Empire, England in 1776, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. History rhymes and so does the endless criminality of the state. People in our nation, and all nations, who enrich themselves through state violence, turn a blind eye to the massive crimes against humanity their governments perpetuate against their own neighbors as well as people in other nation states.  Anyone who is doing well economically around the world is doing the bidding of the state.  That is how extreme the pathological evil has become. There’s an equal but opposite reaction coming and it’s going to be beyond anyone’s wildest imagination.  That reaction could be taken from the start of the twentieth century or even earlier.  As noted before, it could take the form of kickback from the start of what we now call capitalism which would be the past five hundred-odd years.  One of the first posts I put up here more than a decade ago is that when this cycle ends the earth will literally shudder and shake. We ain’t seen nothin yet. If Donald Trump gets elected, he’ll ignorantly destroy his own wealth and status should he follow through on his promises. And, I certainly hope he does.

I owe a post on this topic of good versus evil re the astrological turn date in 2013 that started that battle. But still haven’t put it up. That will come. It’s just a large undertaking to downsize my thoughts into a post because the topic is so complex and esoteric that I could turn it into a 400 page book.

One of the most disgusting remarks that sticks in my mind today is Hillary Clinton constantly yammering that America is great because it is good. This coming from a life-long crook whose actions have contributed to endless suffering around the world.  For years I wrote that Bill Clinton was the biggest crook and most horrendous president in this nation’s history. And, that the only way the Clintons and Al Gore could become wildly rich was through corruption. (Don't forget about Dick Cheney who runs a close third.)  Finally, that’s getting some play. Given the level of detail that is now coming out regarding The Clinton Foundation, I have to wonder if we could actually see criminal indictments against both Bill and Hillary. If the halls of justice still have any morality left in them, both of them should be in prison for life-long accomplishment awards. And, Donald Trump should be right there with them.

For those who think the most recent transparency into Clinton wrongdoing is a conspiratorial witch hunt against poor ole Hillary and Bill, does anyone remember this story from nearly 23 years ago? Dust it off and give it a good read. As someone who is intimately familiar with futures markets, what Hillary Clinton supposedly did, according to the official story, was literally just about impossible. She was a pathological criminal in 1994 and she’s a pathological criminal today.  (People chose spouses with the same level of emotional dysfunction as their own. Functional people won't tolerate the lack of emotional intelligence, lack of emotional boundaries and lack of emotional morality in those who are dysfunctional. We clearly understand Bill’s dysfunction and we are starting to get a clearer understanding of Hillary’s.)

Quite amazing that some in the mainstream press are actually now throwing the Clintons under the bus in the last few days. The title of this Wall Street Journal article is shocking – Grifters-in-Chief. Not because it’s off-base but because the truth is nearly nonexistent in the mainstream press. Especially, the corporatocracy press like the Journal.  And, then this one, The Cold Clinton Reality – Why isn’t the IRS investigating the Clinton Foundation

There is no way to put the cat back in the back. There is no way we are going back to a world that existed five or ten or twenty years ago. Both political parties are headed for disaster.  Mind you, I’ve noted many times the Democratic Party will be the first to collapse. Interesting how political pundits in the Democratic Party space were laughing about the coming crisis in the Republican Party just weeks ago. How the worm has turned. 

Remember, Donald Trump was hobnobbing with the Clintons just a few years ago. And, remember, he was upset because the Koch brothers rebuffed him early in his campaign. He’s cut from the same cloth and is a poster child of everything that is wrong in this world. Anyone who can look at what is happening in the world today and still vote for either the Republican or Democratic Party is a moral rationalizer and shares a substantial responsibility for perpetuating the pathological evil that exists within organized political parties around the world today. If one wishes to vote for Trump because it will collapse the establishment, as Michael Moore pointed out in my last post, that position is fraught with unintended consequences. Just ask the Russians and the Germans who ended up supporting their own enslavement with such attempts at toppling the establishment.

We’ve see that type of moral rationalization time and again throughout history, including Nazi Germany.

(By the way, there are so many elements of past writings that play into this environment. Just one that comes to mind, as an example, that is completely off topic is that we could start to see wholesale refusal of the rank-and-file military to obey or even to desert the military in this nation. That may have seemed impossible when I wrote this many years ago but how about today? Would you perform your military duties for the criminal class with their jack boot on this nation’s neck? Would you carry out your orders to wage war on behalf of U.S. corporations, the military-industrial complex or a morally-bankrupt political class?)

Is Donald Trump The United Statesâ Pericles?


"Our city-state does not copy the laws of our neighbors, we are not followers, but rather the pattern to follow. We call our state a democracy, because it serves all the people, and not just the few. All are equal under the law, whatever their individual differences, and we select our public officials not based on their class but upon their merits. Poverty will not keep an able man from serving the state, nor will the obscurity of his position." – Pericles


Donald Trumpâs Role In Humanityâs War Against The State


Well, I’ve written extensively on here about the rise of a third party candidate and the collapse of both political parties. Donald Trump obviously is that third party candidate. (Bernie Sanders also could have easily won the elections if the establishment had not so successfully destroyed him. Obama could have been that candidate too but we found out that his election promises were full of pathological and narcissistic lies and deceit. Trump while also pathological, was different. He obviously took no quarter. He never allowed the establishment to define him. He is the tool through which humanity has chosen in this moment to wage their war against the state.) He has railed against the establishment political system for 30 years and ran as a third party candidate in 2000.


The Revenge Of The Forgotten Class

What Comes After Denial? Thoughs On Donald Trumpâs Movement


I really find the state liberal view of reality to be just about intolerable. But I find the Republican view of reality to be just as intolerable, if not more. State liberal politicians and those who buy their bullshit want to enslave humanity to government bureaucracy. Conservative politicians and those who believe their bullshit want to enslave humanity to corporate domination. Or, so it used to be. Now the lines have blurred.


The CorporationâThe Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power


We really don’t yet know what we elected into the presidency of Donald Trump. But, we are likely entering a new, darker period for humanity as this cycle continues to unfold.  It appears we may be entering a period of outright fascism in this nation with the election of our first corporate president.  More on that in another post. But, whatever unfolds, we have created it just for us. And, it will clearly provide the experience humanity needs in this moment.  I suspect that is going to be a greater and greater understanding and eventual breakdown of our belief systems. Today, people continue to bargain with the state, be that in the United States or elsewhere.  That bargaining is based on a belief system rather than any form of truth.  That attempt at bargaining will create a very clearly defined lesson to be cumulatively learned by humanity. And, that is where what we will witness next.  In other words, that our belief systems continue to delude us into a world we believe in rather than a reality that actually exists.  And, bargaining with our belief systems will create the next phase of crises for all of us to cumulatively deal with.


Update On Very Disconcerting Developments In Communist China And A Deeper Look Into Humanityâs Own Pathology (The Ego Or The Self) As It Continues To Manifest Through The State


As P.T. Barnum, our new cartoon, carnival-barking, shyster U.S. president gets ready to take office, (The true Trump is already starting to reveal himself.) I wanted to talk about some of what is coming; more and more of what I have written of more than a decade in thousands of posts that is now starting to reveal itself.  Let me first say one more thing about the election. I’m going to be putting up some more posts on Trump and the election because his election is a sign of our ignorance and a sign of the times.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve written extensively over the years about Bill and Hillary being criminals. I know many want to label Obama as our worst president in history but don’t kid yourself. It was clearly Clinton, economically, spiritually and socially. He is as purely of a morally bankrupt public official as I have ever seen.  That he was able to deceive the American people for eight years, and in the process dismantle so much of our rule of law is a stain on who we have become. Ditto with Donald Trump. And, frankly, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama and George Bush.  Bargaining with evil, as the American people, and really all people around the world, have become so good at, will eventually pay off in spades. And that payoff will be exactly the opposite of what was ever intended.  Trump, in my estimation, because of the astrological cycle we are currently experiencing, is likely to be that guy. (A pre-ordained cycle giving rise to pathological, fear-based, nationalistic fervor around the world. Remember, enlightenment is a very violent process as it involves the repudiation, often foisted upon the ego/self violently, of its delusional belief systems that keep us from ever seeing reality.  Today, humanity is still bargaining with those belief systems. But, that too will change as our belief systems eventually shatter before our very eyes.) 


Jesus Was A Commie


It’s been more than half a year since I have posted anything. I’m going to try to get three posts up within the next two weeks. This is the first. I have often said on here it wasn’t the Jews who killed Jesus of Nazareth, it was the establishment.  And, if he were alive today, they would kill him again for his message.


Is It That Time? The Ignorance Of The Establishment Has Just Hit A Deafening Crescendo.


I’ll be putting up a follow-on post to a post from some years ago as it pertains to decesnnial patterns in finance. In that post I noted that we are likely witnessing the Great Depression in reverse. I’ll be revisiting that in detail but the point of that post was that the massive financial crisis that preceeded the Great Depression would happen on the back end of this cycle due to policies being reversed from those in the Great Depression. As I’ve noted time and again, we are in the eye of the hurricane. All appears calm on the surface. Below the surface corporate capitalism is already in systemic collapse. And, if those patterns hold true, 2017 could very well be the year that the massive illusions disappear and we finally see the world for what it is.


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